Weekly Update #2

Posted by Angus Cheng on Monday, March 7, 2022

Here’s what happened last week in the world of CantoRead

Supporting iOS 14

This was actually quite easy, all I did was lower the version number. This means more people will be able to install CantoRead.


I created a simple flash card feature. When you process an image, CantoRead creates flash cards for all the words in that image. Let’s say you saw the following image.

If you’re me, there will be a bunch of words you recognise on this sign, and a bunch that you do not. The following video shows the flash card feature.

There’s a few problems with the current flash card feature. All words have an equal chance of being shown. Ideally it should figure out which words you know and show those less frequently. It shows flash cards from all the images you’ve processed. I think it would be nice if user could select an image they’ve processed in the past, and review flash cards for just that image. It also would be cool to give a score for each image, CantoRead could say something like “You know 20% of the words in this image”.

How do we know when a user knows a word? After reviewing a card Anki shows four buttons on the screen “Again”, “Hard”, “Good”, “Easy”. The buttons control how soon you’ll see the card again.


I was struggling to focus at home, so I started streaming myself code CantoRead on twitch. I plan to stream a bunch more.


Here’s what I’m planning to work on in the next few weeks.

  1. Create a reinforced learning feature
  2. Flash card improvements
  3. Allow users to analyse plain text
  4. Group flashcards into picture/text sets
  5. Redesign the user interface
  6. Create an Android version